The thick band of tissue connecting your heel bone to your toes is called the plantar fascia. Normally, the plantar fasciia acts as a shock absorber that supports the arch of your foot. Sometimes the tissue can be stretched a bit too tight, causing tears and inflammation. When this fibrous tissue becomes inflamed, it results in a stabbing pain at the bottom of the foot near the heel. Plantar fasciitis pain tends to be more pronounced in the morning, gradually wearing off as you walk throughout the day, but for some the condition can be chronic. Before you consider surgery, we recommend attempting to relieve plantar fasciitis pain by trying the following:
1.) Make changes. Plantar fasciitis is common in runners and those who are overweight. If you’re a runner, you may require better footwear. Alternatively, your form may be causing or compounding the issue. If your weight may be responsible for contributing to the problem, dropping some of the excess weight may alleviate it.
2.) Wear supportive footwear. If you’re wearing flat shoes that lack support or are walking around barefoot, now is the time to stop. Invest in quality orthopedic shoes to help distribute your weight more evenly and relieve the tension on the plantar fascia.
3.) Invest in night splints. A night splint helps to stretch your calf muscle and the arch of your foot while you sleep.
4.) Perform stretches daily. A little bit of at-home physical therapy can go a long way. (We recommend this routine from HealthLine.)
5.) Get a massage. At Unvarnished, we perform Plantar Fasciitis Relief Massage. This 30-minute service includes 10 minutes of deep pressure massage, 10 minutes of stretching, and 10 minutes of calf massage.
Should your plantar fasciitis symptoms persist after you’ve exhausted all non-surgical options, contact a podiatrist with experience in treating musculoskeletal disorders. We recommend Dr. Katz and Dr. Gallina at Gulf Coast Foot & Ankle.